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Hackathons, Projects & Builder’s Portfolio Hub

Enter a world of innovation and creativity. Join exciting hackathons and collaborate on cutting-edge projects.


Dive right in and contribute your skills, or launch your own project to spark collaboration and build something meaningful.

for individual users

An ecosystem for

Participate in Hackathons

Join hackathons tailored to your interest. Participate in teams or as individuals

Get access to resources

This can include documentation, tutorials, sample code, mentors and relevant APIs or tools. To help you during Hackathons.

Get NFTs for participating

Showcase your skills and contribute to the future of web3, and get unique digital rewards.

Win amazing prizes and recognition for outstanding projects.

Compete for amazing prizes and recognition for your outstanding projects.

Submit proposals for your project

Submit project proposals to AyaLabs for approval. When approved, your project will get the opportunity to be showcased. People will get to see your vision, resources, and expected outcomes while engaging potential partners and mentors, making it the first step toward turning your vision into reality.

Ongoing Hackathons


For Builders

Join active communities and get updates on their activities

Unlock your potential and join a community dedicated to driving tech innovation in Africa.

for Communities

An ecosystem for

Create Customized Hackathons

Design unique hackathons that spark innovation in your web3 niche, whether it's DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, or something entirely new. Set flexible timelines to accommodate diverse skill sets and project ambitions

Easy Voting system

Transform your community into active judges with our user-friendly voting system. Cast informed votes based on customizable criteria you define.

Receive Projects

Seamlessly collect submissions from your participants. Easily access and manage all submitted projects within the platform.

Easy to use dashboard to manage all activities

Manage all aspects of your hackathon from a central hub, keeping a close eye on team progress, submissions, and voting activity – all in real-time. Gain valuable insights into participant demographics and engagement by viewing reports and analytics.

List event

We offer a vibrant space to showcase your event to a wider web3 audience to ensure maximum exposure, and attract talented participants eager to contribute.


What our users are saying

Kelvin Chelenje

Blockchain Developer - Ethereum Certified

“My experience with Aya was and in presence continuous terms is priceless. Aya opened up an opportunity for me to get into the blockchain space, giving me the chance to be trained and connect with prominent organizations and individuals that are connected to them for more experiences and committed to support the Aya community.

Kunbi Oguneye

CEO/Founder, Alpha Fortress

“They were able to deliver within 48 hours on my resource requirement. Outstanding work!

Kolawole Ayoola

Smart Contract Engineer | Aya Talent Collective

“The challenge was a real eye-opener for me personally. I discovered how to integrate smart contracts into web applications, and it was a total blast. Thanks to the Aya Talent Collective Challenge and my awesome teammates, I learned something completely new. I'm super excited to keep building on this knowledge and create even more web3 apps.”

Suleman Ismaila

Smart Contract Engineer | Aya Talent Collective

“I'm truly impressed by the support and learning opportunities provided by this community. By actively participating in the collective challenge, I not only stay occupied but also acquire valuable skills and knowledge that strengthen my professional profile. This experience will undoubtedly boost my confidence and position me as a competitive candidate in the job market.”

Patrick Ominisan

Blockchain Engineer

“Overall, the DAO hackathon was good. What was required for us to participate was well stated and the platform was great to use as we can make changes or update our project. The user interface of the Ayalab platform is also very friendly. Also the Ayalab team was very friendly as we could reach out to them to get more information concerning the hackhathon.”

Faith Roberts

Smart Contract Engineer

“The hackathon made me understand more about DAOs and how to build a DAO system with all the inner working and leveraging on existing tech and libraries.”


Got questions? We have answers

Can’t find what you’re looking for, view our help page or contact customer support

How do I host a hackathon on AyaLabs?

Is it possible to participate in hackathons as an individual or do I need a team?

How are hackathon winners selected on AyaLabs?

Can I use existing projects or code in AyaLabs hackathons, or do I need to start from scratch?

How can Communnities benefit from hosting hackathons on AyaLabs?

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  • Learn, grow, network, collaborate with other builders
  • Gain recognition and exposure
  • Supportive environment
  • And access to opportunities
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